

ok this is like the best advert ever,
this and that sony foam one.
but anyway, it's good.

song of the day - saturday

Teen Lovers

The Virgins - Teen Lovers

brilliant new york post punk band and a great song

thursday skins

i love emily and jj,
so thursday was perfect,
i was especcially happy when I heard a bon iver song at the end!



Well this is todays.
It's technically not really a proper song.
But mate, is it good!
Bon Iver - For Emma
(A Cappella)

new room

So it's March 4th now (Wednesday). a couple of weeks ago i moved rooms. Extravagant, i hear you say. Well it's needs decorating. The picture is what i've got so far, yeah it's not going well.

I'm going to do this song of the day thing, like a song I've heard that day that I really like. it won't be a new song, well it might be, but it will certainly be a good song.